Tagged: 787

Etihad 787-900 2

Etihad Economy Coral Class: IAD-AUH B787-900

I needed a positioning flight for my AUH-SYD flight in which I used American miles to book Etihad’s new Apartment Class. Getting to Abu Dhabi from LAX can be easy by flying their nonstop flight but it’s on their older 777. Flying to IAD allowed me to try their new plane,...

Japan! 1

ANA Business Class: SJC-NRT NH171

I was lucky to finally have my 2nd international flight out of SJC (San Jose International) which meant for a much more relaxed environment and smaller airport. My first international flight from SJC was to Paris (CDG) on AA back in 2001. They no longer offer that route. ANA started serving...


Round the World Trip 2014: Part 3

Part 3: Asia Flights Tokyo-Kyoto Nozomi 247 Non-Reserved Class: I decided to take the Nozomi N700 Bullet train down to Kyoto from Tokyo which wasn’t on a plane but it was quite a flight on the tracks. When the train arrived to the station I knew this wasn’t your typical train. We...